Sunday, January 30, 2011

Can Social Networking Save the World?

Ok, time for the randomness.  I had a normal day of friends and shopping and nothing extraordinary happened today that would prompt a long post; that is, until I got on Facebook tonight.  I consider myself a Facebook newbie.  I have not been on for even two years and fought everyone tooth and nail to not get on Facebook.  All the time it takes from me I wish I'd fought harder. 

Social networking is relatively new, and it never ceases to amaze me.  Even though it takes up time...I am able to plan events, have the best parties and social events ever since I have access to everyone so readily, keep in touch with people who I really did miss or who have moved away, and it is a learning experience.  Most people post news articles, links to their favorite websites, shows, music videos, ect...  It is also entertaining from time to time.   Especially when you have some of those drama friends who are always calling someone out on a post and then they spat back and forth until things get so ugly someone blocks the other. 

Tonight though, I noticed how social networking makes everyone an activist or advertiser.  I am guilty of it too.  We all have a cause.  Tonight there were friends who had petition to end texting while driving, to stop the violence in Egypt, to legalize marijuana, to feed the hungry and the list goes on and on.  I am not even sure that anything gets done with online petitions.  I am afraid that when you sign on you get put on a trouble maker list.  There are people who advertise their favorite products, or their new blogs. (<---that one is me too)

We also use social networking sites to really break the taboos of politics and religion.  Which again, I'm guilty as charged.  I definitely let the Facebook world know that I am a lefty liberal and that Sarah Palin and Fox News are the devil along with everything Republican and Tea Party.  My Facebook friend list has friends of all political nature, but I think most just don't care.  I haven't had too many heated debates thus far. 

As for religion...I can't tell you how sick and tired I get of the copy and paste posts talking about if you love Jesus, or believe God needs to be in schools, ect...blah, blah, blah.  Or the people who pray for EVERYTHING!  I am agnostic, but I think that if there is a God, he probably doesn't like for people to bother him for their cat's broken leg, or to pass an exam or all the trivial things that people will publicly ask all their friends to pray for. 

And yet, even though we all have these crazy motives, links, posts, rumors, and taboos on Facebook, everyone just gets along; for the most part.  It is a place where hundreds of random, unique, individuals with their own customs, and beliefs can agree to disagree and live in peace.  (or not, but that is just a block button away, not a crisis) 

So what is wrong with the world?  Should Facebook be the new universal president?  Can social networking save the day? 

Saturday, January 29, 2011

My Dream Land Paradise

I was going to attempt to write these at night so that I have time to let my day sink in and decide what was the most important thing I experienced or thought about during the day.  It's only half way through my day and I have had a very irritated conversation about a heated subject, finished watching Californication : The Complete Second Season which brought out many emotions, and I woke up this morning from a dream I found disturbing.  I also received my new Nikon camera in the mail and a high electric bill.  

It has been a busy day for me thus far.  In a little while I am taking my daughter to her BFF's dance birthday party and will be a guest chaperon.  I also have to manage to get the dishes done, and fix dinner for my guys before the girls head out.  At the day's half way mark, a lot of interesting things can still happen.  But for some reason my dream is at the top of the list.  No matter what else happens today, the thoughts and feelings of when I woke up will dominate in importance in my brain. 

In my dream I was in Hawaii.  I have never been, but in my dream it was paradise.  I was in a pair of small shorts and a bikini top which is my preferred way to dress on a hot summer day.  I could smell the salt water, I could smell the slight scent of ash and smoke in the air from the nearby volcano.  Everything seemed perfect.  The temperature seemed to be about 85 degrees Fahrenheit with a slight ocean breeze. 

I was on the phone with Nathan and the kids begging them to come and see me.  I am not sure what the circumstances were to lead me to be in Hawaii on my own, but in the conversation, Nathan was angry with me.  He told me that I wasted a lot of money on my vacation and it was selfish.  I again pleaded with him to leave the snow behind.  I told him how beautiful it was and how warm it was and again he relented. 

That is all I really remember.  I am not a dreamologist or a psychologist, but from my understanding dreams come from our subconscious, cellular memories, emotions, thoughts and other complexities of the mind and body.  I know that my dream in Hawaii came from my view of the weather report last night that said to expect snow and a wintry mix from Monday through Wednesday.  I am an extremely cold natured person and can not stand to be below 75 degrees, explaining the high electric bill.  I keep it blazing in the house with the electric baseboards and the wood stove. A few weeks ago I tried to escape the cold thinking that going to VA Beach and chilling in an indoor pool would give me the allusion and comfort of summertime.  Temporarily it may have, but I still came home to ice and snow.  It was still cold as we walked on the beach.  The indoor pool was warm but the room housing it wasn't a sunny 90 degrees.  I was just trying to trick myself.  I am miserable this winter.  The snow won't stop and the temps are not peaking above 40. 

The interpretation of my dream leads me to believe that winter is what it is.  I can't change it.  I do not have the resources to escape it.  Any mini vaca is just going to be all the more disappointing when I come back home.  I hate to think that I am doomed to the snow and cold, but realistically I am.  We do not have plans on moving to a sunnier location.  Nathan and the kids not coming was symbolism for reality.  I can't tell you how many times Nathan tells me to stop complaining about the cold.  He says, "this isn't different than any other winter."  He's absolutely right.  I will still try to argue though with come backs of...there is more snow this year, the temperatures are colder, I never had to wear so many layers and other stupid rebuttals that not only are stupid, but are just not true. 

For now, Hawaii and Florida will have to remain in my dreams and as long as it is this cold, that makes me all the more excited about getting enough sleep.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Wanted to start with baby steps, but took a leap instead

I had mentioned in a previous post that I was addicted to online games.  It may have sounded like a silly joke, and while I don't like to admit it...I seriously have a problem.  Another thing I don't like to admit...I spend over 3 hours a day on Facebook.  It obviously does not take that long to update my status and see what is going on with friends.  The bulk of that time was dedicated to Farmville, My Town, Mafia Wars, Petville and most recently Cityville.  Zygna really has a racket going. 

Most games I get tired of after a few weeks and everything is well, as what happened to My Town, Mafia Wars, and Petville.  They didn't last long at all.  I say each maybe had a reign of one week.  My Town is also not a Zygna game.  Zygna games are the ones that make you hopelessly addicted in some way I cannot explain. You have to rely on having your Facebook friends play the game too.  In each Zygna game, you have to have a certain amount of "neighbors" to advance to higher levels and unlock certain aspects.  These neighbors also have to constantly send and receive "gifts" to keep the game afloat too.

I on a bad day will spend over 5 hours just playing Farmville.  It has gotten a lot better, but I have played it for over a year.  There are only four neighbors of my 60 or so that are ahead of me level wise.  What has kept me going is the sense of community and the fact that I had advanced so far.  If I quit will I let my friends down.  And honestly, some of my Facebook friends I would have deleted a long time ago if they were not players in the game.  I have used them and I wonder how many have used me.  These are mere acquaintances that I accepted to say "hey how's it going", but then have had no other contact except through the online gaming community. 

A few days ago when I started this blog and wrote about my passion for writing.  I started to think about baby steps to take that would ensure that my day would have the time and I would have the peace and quiet to write.  The first baby step was to write something of some importance to me everyday here.  Only a few days in, but I can safely say that that step has been taken.  I love this.

Baby step two was to make a schedule for myself again and try my damnest to keep too it.  I have kept a list the last few days, but can already say that things just keep getting bumped back.  I have to try a little harder. 

Step three was to limit my online time.  Mainly Facebook and the games.  Today I turned on the computer, limiting my time to Farmville and Cityville to one hour.  I know that is still a lot, but again, trying to take baby steps. 

I am proud to say when I hit the games tab and was getting ready to accept all my Farmville gifts, instead of hitting accept, I hit the block button.  BAM!  In a single click that took not even a second, Farmville is gone from my life forever.  Cold Turkey, but I am amazingly calm and ok with the decision.  Next on the chopping block will be Cityville, but that will work out itself.  It doesn't have the same strange appeal that Farmville had over me so it will only be a matter of time. 

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Cabin Fever and Too Much Snow

If I'd had a job I would certainly be fired by now.  I cannot remember a week since Thanksgiving that there hasn't been a snow storm or a sick family member.  Winter in Virginia is the same as it always has been, but the dynamics of our feelings towards the season change as we grow older. 

The excitement that my kids show towards a snow day and staying out in the freezing cold, soaking wet to build a fort, or igloo, or snowman or to sled is something I remember in my own childhood. Now however, I hate the cold.  I hate the snow.  But by golly, I bundled up in upteen layers today and trudged outside with the rugrats.  I started to build a castle, but got too cold.  Then I attempted to sled, but after climbing up the small little hill three times was all that I could take.  I go in to enjoy a cup of hot chocolate and a heated lunch and the kids stay outside for another hour or so. 

I tried to regain the excitement of the snow day, but at some point; it is just snow and it's existence is miserable.  For me it just means that the kids are going to fight all day long instead of being in school, I will have three times as much laundry to do since they will trudge out three times a day in the snow and will get mud, and water, and who knows what else on their layers and layers of clothes. 

Sure it's a five day weekend.  I have gotten a lot done being cooped up in the house.  At some point, I want a regular schedule back.  A five day weekend is great once in a while, but I feel like I have been on one for three months now.  I want to go to the gym, have a ladies night, have alone time with myself and with my husband.  

I have managed to have some quiet time today.  I popped in the second season of Californication and banished the kids to their rooms for a few hours.  There were slight protest until I told them that what mommy would be watching had nudity in it and that sent them screaming from the room.  My husband even came in from his workshop and watched it with me.  I got some snuggle time with the hubby next to the wood stove watching one of my favorite shows.  Not too shabby.  On top of that three hour alone time I now am plopped down in front of my computer getting a little silence to type up my blog, update my Facebook, and check on my farm and city in my stupid online games.  (I long to delete them, I really do-horrible addiction) 

I am crossing my fingers and hoping that I will only be so lucky tomorrow.  The kids really pushed some buttons today and were testing the waters.  I hope I can get through the next three days without sinking any one's battleship. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Trying Something New

If I could sum up the theme of my life it would be "trying something new."  I am always looking for the next best thing, or a way to change to be a better person, mom, wife, community member ect...  The last year or so, my "new" major project was to write more.  My wonderful husband had bought for me a writing software for me to organize my thoughts and characters and I was on a mission to write a book.

But a problem has occured.  I keep coming up with new ideas for themes and plots to books I want to write.  At today's count I have the outline for over 10 books, everything from kids books to fiction and non fiction novels.  I am blessed that enough interesting things happen in my life and the small town around me that I have endless themes and stories to go on.  So, most people tell me, having too many ideas is not a problem.  Some people do not have any at all and get writers block.  Well, my problem is not writers block, but motivation.  I sit at the computer and get caught up in Facebook, e-mails, online games, and shopping sprees.  The writing software hardly ever gets opened.  Once I open it, I cannot fully decide which book to work on. 

I am not sure if this will help, but I wanted to start to blog.  At least I am writing something longer than a 140 character Facebook post and I hope that it will jumpstart my efforts to write.  I am hoping that it will get me warmed up after all my other online activities everyday to hope on a blog, jot down my random thoughts of the day or something interesting that has happened, or just whatever sparks me, a poem or short story.  Then I will be ready to hop on my writing software and create an amazing book or books.

I have no idea how any of this really works.  I have no idea who will actually read any of this or if anyone will really care.  I have many friends that blog.  Some review books, some talk about motherhood, some have themes, and others do not.  I am giving this site a try as well as a few others.  I hope that I come to love to blog and that somewhere along the way I will share things that will touch someone's life, or help them through a problem or even get them to think a little differently.  As an introduction this is pretty mellow compared to my real attitude.  I love to controversy!  I do talk about politics, religion, and ethics and other subjects that are taboo to bring up at dinner or among mixed friends. 

Here I go...I am trying something new.  I know I will make friends and enemies.  I know I will bring smiles and frowns.  Love me or hate me, I'll be fine.  I am now part of the blogging world.


My name is Jennifer.  I decided to do a free blog as a hobby and a relaxation technique.  Sometimes you can't say everything you need to say in a Facebook post.

I have a wonderful husband, Nathan.  We have been married for 5 years.  Our compatibility is unmatched and he is truely my other half.  I have a daughter that I brought with me into our relationship and her name is Naomi and is 10 years young.  Together we have a son named Hendrix who is 5. 

We live in a small town in Virginia which has it's ups and downs.  I am a stay at home mother and my husband is self employed.  I am an active parent and most of my time is consumed as my children's personal assistant as I have to shuttle them from sports, plays, and other extracurriculars.  More to come, I hope you follow and get to know more about my family and our adventures and my random thoughts.