Thursday, January 27, 2011

Cabin Fever and Too Much Snow

If I'd had a job I would certainly be fired by now.  I cannot remember a week since Thanksgiving that there hasn't been a snow storm or a sick family member.  Winter in Virginia is the same as it always has been, but the dynamics of our feelings towards the season change as we grow older. 

The excitement that my kids show towards a snow day and staying out in the freezing cold, soaking wet to build a fort, or igloo, or snowman or to sled is something I remember in my own childhood. Now however, I hate the cold.  I hate the snow.  But by golly, I bundled up in upteen layers today and trudged outside with the rugrats.  I started to build a castle, but got too cold.  Then I attempted to sled, but after climbing up the small little hill three times was all that I could take.  I go in to enjoy a cup of hot chocolate and a heated lunch and the kids stay outside for another hour or so. 

I tried to regain the excitement of the snow day, but at some point; it is just snow and it's existence is miserable.  For me it just means that the kids are going to fight all day long instead of being in school, I will have three times as much laundry to do since they will trudge out three times a day in the snow and will get mud, and water, and who knows what else on their layers and layers of clothes. 

Sure it's a five day weekend.  I have gotten a lot done being cooped up in the house.  At some point, I want a regular schedule back.  A five day weekend is great once in a while, but I feel like I have been on one for three months now.  I want to go to the gym, have a ladies night, have alone time with myself and with my husband.  

I have managed to have some quiet time today.  I popped in the second season of Californication and banished the kids to their rooms for a few hours.  There were slight protest until I told them that what mommy would be watching had nudity in it and that sent them screaming from the room.  My husband even came in from his workshop and watched it with me.  I got some snuggle time with the hubby next to the wood stove watching one of my favorite shows.  Not too shabby.  On top of that three hour alone time I now am plopped down in front of my computer getting a little silence to type up my blog, update my Facebook, and check on my farm and city in my stupid online games.  (I long to delete them, I really do-horrible addiction) 

I am crossing my fingers and hoping that I will only be so lucky tomorrow.  The kids really pushed some buttons today and were testing the waters.  I hope I can get through the next three days without sinking any one's battleship. 

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